Regulation V1.4 (05/20) - ERL-Evolution Racing League
About our Club
Who we are................................................ ........................................ 3
What is our Mission ..................................................... .......................... 3
Our vision................................................ ........................................... 3
Our values ................................................ ..................................... 3
Social Networks and Communication Channels ............................................
Terms and conditions
Omissive Cases ..................................................... .................................. 4
Changes to the Regulation.................................................... ............. 4
Registrations ................................................. ...................................... 4
Briefing ..................................................... ........................................ 5
Free Practices ..................................................... .................................. 5
Code of Ethics and Conduct .................................................. ................... 5
Installation and use of equipment and simulator content.
Exam schedule ..................................................... ............................... 6
Times and Duration of Events ............................................... ................... 7
Server Specific Settings ..................................................... ...... 7
Standard System for Pilot Scoring ............................................... ..... 7
Team Scoring System (Can be 2 ways) ................................ 8
Awards System .................................................... ............................. 8
Tiebreaker Criteria.................................................. ............................. 8
Penalty System (Official Replay released after the race) .............................9
Mild Penalties (10 sec. final test time – 2 points in the portfolio) ...........9
Average Penalties (20 seconds in the final test time / Equivalent to a Drive througt – 4 pts wallet) ................................ ...........................................9
Severe Penalties (35 seconds in the final test time / Equivalent to an average Stop&Go of 10 seconds – 6 points on the wallet) ............................. .........10
Very Serious Penalties (Disqualification from the stage and impossibility of qualifying in the next stage – 8 points in the portfolio) ................................ .......10
Accumulation of penalties: POINTS PORTFOLIO .....................................................10
General ................................................. .....................................................11
Protests ..................................................... .................................................11
Ranking System ..................................................... .....................................11
License System ..................................................... ...................................12
About Our Club
We are: We are a Club of track enthusiasts, all with that huge desire to drive and who found in virtual motorsport the way to satisfy their desires as a driver and also to have fun, with the models of cars and tracks that simulators in general make available to us. Everything we want is still starting, but we are going to offer you conditions for you to compete and have fun in the four corners of the earth, sitting there comfortably in your home.
What is Our Mission: Bring entertainment and competition in a structured and organized way to virtual motorsport.
Our Vision: To be among the best competition and virtual entertainment services with simulators.
Our Values: Respect people with Integrity, Reliability and Clear and Accurate Communication
Social Networks and Communication Channels
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Erleague/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/erleague
You-tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5zAguH1U0xnImUtg-bbSkw?view_as=subscriber
Website: www.erleague.com.br
Misuse: Our communication channels must be used responsibly by all members or guests, misuse will be subject to the Punishments provided for in these Regulations. Offensive posts, Race Bids for the purpose of discussions, pornography, racial, gender or social, political or religious intolerance, content related to violence, links, photos, videos from other leagues or general advertising.
Terms and conditions
Omissive cases: Cases not specified in this regulation will be analyzed by the ERL administration.
Changes to the Regulations: ERL reserves the right to change, add or remove items from this Regulation at any time and without prior notice, and such changes will take effect on the date of their publication.
Filling in the Form: It must be carried out on the event page on our website through a specific form, and all required required fields must be filled out.
Enrollment Refunds
Event cancellation: In the event that the rider has paid the registration fee and for any reason that is not his responsibility, the event is canceled, the league will refund a refund within 30 days from the start date of the stage, event or championship cancelled.
Withdrawal after start: For cases where the driver for some reason withdraws from the championship after its start, any refund is cancelled.
Abandonment before the start of the event: If the registered driver leaves the championship before the start and it is proven that the league has already made commitments with broadcasts, purchase of trophies or any other expenses that are intended for the organization of the event, there will be no obligation full refund, and a percentage to be paid or even the cancellation of any refund can be negotiated between the parties.
Payment Deadline: The registration fee must be paid up to 2 days before the event.
Dispute: It is up to the Club to veto the participation of pilots who are not within the criteria of behavior, absenteeism and efficiency required in our events.
Agreement: By confirming the registration in the event form, the pilot agrees with the terms described in this regulation, justifications such as lack of knowledge to deal with any matter related to the event will not be accepted.
The presence of pilots at the briefing meeting is mandatory.
Meetings will be held via Discord at https://discord.gg/uy88vbC
Non-participation or delays will be punishable according to the regulation of the punishment system. Participation in disagreement will be monitored with a image of those present at the beginning briefing.
Issues related to the behavior of the drivers on the track will be discussed, as well as characteristics of the racecourse that may bring automatic penalties or that are critical and that may cause incidents whether at the start, entry into the pits or even in disputes during the race.
Free Practices
Training versions will be made available to those enrolled in the championship on our servers 24 hours a day. It is very important that all drivers participate in training and record their times on the servers, these times will be available in the specific live-time of the race.
Failure to time-stamp in live-time will be treated as a lack of commitment to the championship, and the driver may have losses in the analysis of scores on the license.
Code of Ethics and Conduct
Respect for All: The ERL with respect to all competitors requires education and Respect for all, whether on the lanes or in any other means of relationship.
Respect for our Club: Our image is our precious asset, that's why we require all participants to avoid the use of words, texts or images that could cause moral damage to our organization or administrators. Any type of harassment of ERL administrators, whether physical, professional or moral, and any practices harmful to their physical or moral integrity is prohibited.
Installation and use of equipment and simulator content
Responsibility: It is up to the virtual driver to define which equipment to use for the control and adjustment of cars on the track, however the league declares that the use of steering wheels and pedals is mandatory for its championships. Any type of failure that jeopardizes his performance or that of any other participant is the sole responsibility of the pilot, and no allegation of malfunction or adjustment is accepted as a justification for infractions on the track.
Absences or delays: The league will not be held responsible for problems that prevent the pilot from participating even if they are caused by external factors such as power outages, network or internal problems such as equipment malfunction, it is not mandatory to change the schedule of events in order to favor any participant.
Official simulator content: The participant has the obligation to purchase a simulator and dlcs to be used in the championship. For cases where the championship involves its own content, it will be provided by the league.
Registration: In order to have a more correct control regarding the drivers, we ask everyone to register for our events to use their name and surname in all communication channels and events in the league.
Support: A Discord channel will be made available for this purpose, and it is not mandatory for the league to correct or work with the pilot's equipment or facilities, but rather an act of proactivity in helping and guiding technical issues.
Installation of Additional Control Software
may be required by the league to install additional add-ons in order to manage the races and performances of the pilots, which may in some cases be a reason for punishment and disqualification, so be aware of the content of your championship and the requirements set out by it.
Exam calendar
It will be defined and published on the specific page referring to the event format.
In the event that there is a low quorum in the registration of riders for the event, the league may postpone or cancel as long as it informs those already registered and proceeds with what is described in item 3, paragraph 3.2.2 of this regulation.
Regarding holidays not foreseen in the Calendar, the event can be changed as long as there is the agreement of all involved riders.
Times and Duration of Events
The times and duration of the events will be defined and published on the specific page referring to the event format.
In the event of delays, whether for technical or personal reasons, the riders must be notified by mutual agreement to make changes to the event.
Server Specific Settings
They will be defined and published on the specific page referring to the event format.
The specifications may be changed upon agreement between the Club and the riders, seeking to improve the conditions of the race, thus bringing more quality to the event.
Standard scoring system of pilots
1st - 30 points 1st - 25 points
02 - 25 points 02 - 20 points
03rd - 22 points 03rd - 18 points
04th - 20 points 04th - 14 points
05th - 18 points 05th - 12 points
06th - 16 points 06th - 11 points
07th - 14 points 07th - 10 points
08th - 13 points 08 - 09 points
09th - 12 points 09th - 08 points
10th - 11 points 10th - 07 points
11th - 10 points 11th - 06 points
12th - 09 points 12th - 05 points
13th - 08 points 13th - 04 points
14th - 07 points 14th - 03 points
15th - 06 points 15th - 02 points
16th - 05 points 16th - 01 points
17th - 04 points
18th - 03 points
19th - 02 points
20th - 01 points
Points will only be computed for pilots who did not have DNF and who completed 100% of the race.
Withdrawals: when the pilot withdraws from the championship, his participation will be terminated, and his return will no longer be possible.
In cases where the event will use a score different from the default, it will be published on the event page.
Team Scoring System (2 ways)
In this first case, we may have several drivers from the same team enrolled, but the best placement of a team driver will be taken into account, with the other scores being discarded.
Pilot1 – 20 points
Pilot2 – 15 points
Pilot3 – 10 points
therefore, the team's score will be 20 points.
In this second case, the team must register a maximum of two pilots and in case there is the possibility of registering additional pilots, they must be registered in the team with a differential in the name of the Example team (alfateck/Alfateck1/Alfateck2).
The sum of the points of the two registered pilots will be the basis for the Team's score.
Awards System
The awards will be described in the competition formats
We will always be focused on delivering Trophies & Medals and differentiated prizes,
valid only for events with 15 or more participants.
Only the costs of sending Awards that occur within the national territory will be borne.
Costs for shipping abroad will be the responsibility of the awardee.
Tiebreaker Criteria
Number of Wins
Number of Pole Positions
Number of Participation in Evidence
Position in the last stage (race).
Penalty System (Official Replay released after the race)
Not Participating in the Briefing - Not participating in the Classification
Incidents that occur on lap 1 or training lap will have doubled weight.
Penalties given by the simulator will not be removed in any way (except for server bugs).
Soft Penalties (10 seconds at the end of the test – 2 points on the wallet)
Track cutting; (two wheels inside the track will be accepted)
Use of chat during Qualification or the Race;
Use headlights and/or horn improperly;
Use another team's car or driver.
Cause an accident after the race ends
Ending the race with the damaged car causing risk to opponents
Average Penalties (20 seconds in the final test time / Equivalent to a drive-thru – 4 points on the wallet)
Abrupt starts and brake test during the presentation lap;
Disrespect the exit line from the pits;
Disrespecting the entrance and exit directions from pits given by the Contest Director;
Not respecting the entry speed in the PIT even if the infraction is not accused by the app.
More than one line break while defending position;
Cause an accident when maneuvering or recklessly returning to the runway;
Do not give up position as a latecomer, do not respect Blue Flag signs;
Overtaking outside the track limits;
Perform irregular overtaking while in dispute for position
Overtaking using touch artifice to carry out maneuver.
Position defense forcing dangerous situation generating losses.
Bump Draft (push the opponent on the straight);
Retreating in latecomer condition causing contact;
Force overtaking by taking the opponent off the track.
Back Strike - Side push that causes losses.
Cause an accident with losses whether or not in dispute for position
Cause an accident with losses in overtaking being a latecomer
Cause an accident with losses in overtaking on latecomers
Overtaking during the presence of the Safety-Car on the track
Pit-stop during the presence of the Safety-Car on the track (unless authorized)
Rotate the opponent.
Severe Penalties (35 seconds in the final test time / Equivalent to an average Stop&Go of 10 seconds – 6 points on the wallet).
Crashes causing damage to the opponent (repairs in the pits required).
Disrespect any previously unforeseen procedure that was agreed in the official Briefing of the stage
Cause an accident by removing more than one opponent from the track
Cause an Accident during the presence of a Safety-Car
Very Serious Penalties (Disqualification from the stage and impossibility of qualifying in the next stage – 8 points in the portfolio).
Crashes causing the opponent to abandon it (it will be analyzed whether or not the car could go to the pits to carry out the repair);
Unsportsmanlike behavior (Knocking purposefully or retaliating, going against the traffic for more than 15m, offenses in the chat);
Push the pilot who suffered from a dry crash or other problem, so that he can complete the test. Both drivers (pushed and pusher) will be penalized;
In case the pilot does not complete the test and has punishments in the stage, he will start from the box in the next stage he participates)
Unsportsmanlike conduct, from which it uses extra-game artifices to derive particular benefits.
Use of systems that change the configuration/conditions of the Car/Circuit/Weather Etc..
Use Game Re-entries to benefit from time saving box penalties.
Modify or use apps that bring efficiency gains in piloting and/or event characteristics.
Act in bad faith looking for particular privileged with the use of failures, configurations, etc...
Accumulation of penalties: POINTS PORTFOLIO
The pilot has a portfolio of points with each type of punishment worth 2, 4 or 6 points depending on the severity of the moves
10 points achieved, the pilot does not qualify for the next stage
16 points achieved, the pilot will start from the pits in the next stage
20 points achieved, the pilot will be suspended for one stage (in the case of a heats championship, it is 1 heat)
26 points achieved the driver will be excluded from the championship
In the event of a driver, discussing race bids with other drivers in the League's communication channels that may create conflicts, will be automatically suspended/excluded from the channel.
If you are dissatisfied with what happened in the test, try to deal with the matter privately or using the available protest channels.
Disrespect for the rules described in our communication channels, will be subject to exclusion/suspension of the same and punishment in the championship (loss of points and/or start of the box in the next stage).
If the penalized driver has not completed the race and receives the penalty for time or disqualification, the penalty will be transferred to the next championship event, but if it is the last stage, the penalty will be at the next league event in which the driver participate. In all cases, the penalty remains under the same conditions or at the discretion of the Race Direction, depending on the seriousness of the fact, or points in the portfolio, transferring the time penalty for not participating in the qualification or leaving the pits.
In cases of failure of the applications that check penalties or placements, what is shown in the event replay will be valid.
The deadline for sending a protest will be up to 24 hours after the release of the replay of the stage
The driver must use the form provided by the league, where you can report incidents directly involving you, as well as report something that happened to your team members or something that happened during the race that could be harmful to other drivers or to future events.
Protests made 24 hours after the event will be automatically discarded.
Once protests have been issued by the pilot, they can no longer be cancelled.
The ratings of these protests will be published on the championship results page. Click here to access the form
ranking system
How the Ranking score is assigned to riders who race in the Evolution Racing League.
As a premise for us, both the Qualification and the race and the results obtained are important for attributing points to the driver.
The score is assigned according to the results obtained in each stage in which the driver participated, taking into account the starting position, the finishing position, the number of participating drivers, and whether the fastest lap of the race is the number of steps without DNF.
The maximum score a driver can reach in a race will be 115 points
This will only be possible if the pilot has:
IEFQ = 100
IEFR = 100
VR = 10
Bonus per Event completed = 1
What do these Numbers mean?
Very simple....
This pilot made the pole position
Won the Race and Made the Fastest Lap
that is:
The pilot will receive 100 points for pole + 100 points for victory, making the simple average of this, the pilot will have 100 points that will be added to the 10 that he won with the fastest lap and five of the participation in the stage, achieving a total of 112 points.
All drivers will have their points computed based on their start and finish positions, if they win the fastest lap of the race they will receive the 10 point bonus.
The scores obtained in the stages will be added together and their average will be the updated score of the Ranking.
It's very important to participate and start in a good position and of course finish the race in the best possible position.
If there is a need for changes to the regulation by the management, all involved will be informed
License System
The rider categories will be divided into 4 types
To remain in this portfolio, the pilot will need to meet the requirements contained in the ERL champ rule and obtain an average IE above 72
in this wallet the pilot will have 15% discount on any champ.
To remain in this portfolio, the pilot will need to meet the requirements contained in the ERL champ rule and obtain an average IE between 48 and 71
in this wallet the pilot will have 5% discount on any champ.
To remain in this portfolio, the pilot will need to meet the requirements contained in the ERL champ rule and obtain an average IE between 25 and 47
here will find the rookie riders enrolled in the ERL league and the other pilots not classified for other portfolios. To remain in this portfolio, the pilot will need to comply with the requirements contained in the ERL champ rule, especially those relating to behavior and presence in the stages. Medium IE below and 25
Calculation formula
In one stage of the championship, the pilot will score points based on the following information:
Calculation of the Efficiency Index (IE)
Qty of Participating Pilots / Arrival Position
Fast Lap +10 bonus
Pole Position +10 bonus
Champion +30 bonus
Vice Champion +20 bonus
3rd Place +10 Bonus
Dropping the test - IE=0
Points in the wallet for penalties. (discounted from IE)
Calculation of the Efficiency Index (IE)
(100% / qty of pilots) X (qty of pilots - finish position +1)
ex: 15 drivers in dispute and you came in 4th
your IE=80 (value without bonuses)