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Simulator - Assetto Corsa (30 vacancies)

Server: ERL-Copa Montana

Password: erleague

Platform: Assetto Corsa (30 vacancies)

Free Practices:   18:00 (90 min)

Briefing:   7:30 pm (15 min) Discord 

Classification:  19:45 (15 min)

Race:  20:00 (2X 30 minutes)

Exam schedule (Sundays)

08/08/2021 - Interlagos
08/22/2021 - Curitiba
05/09/2021 - Rattlesnake
09/19/2021 - Goiânia
10/10/2021 - Velo Citta
(Postponed to 10/17)
17/10/2021 - Taruma (delayed to 24/10)

Server Configuration

Push Enabled
Start firing -
  Drive Through
Assistance: TC – Forced and automatic clutch
ambient temperature = 23º
Runway temperature = 27º
Note: values may vary

Team Scores
For the Team Score, the sum of the scores of the team's pilot pair will be taken into account.
The team formation with the names of the drivers must be informed up to 2 days before the race.
After the start of the championship, the pairs can no longer be changed.

Required Apps:
Ptracker / Real Penalty / Mod Sol


Must be delivered no later than two (2) days before the event. For teams that have more than 1 pair, different paintings must be created for each pair.

Sending Paintings to:

or use our system - Click here



Trophy for the top three
Note: valid with more than 15 active drivers

Information and Voice Channels

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  • discord
  • erl live timing
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  • Facebook Basic Square
  • ERL_channel1 - Copia (2)




Pilot/Team Classification


Stage  5 - Velo citta   10/17/2021 .................................................. ........................................................... ........................................................... ..

Rafael Simioni
14.16-Causing an accident with losses whether or not in dispute for position (Impaired Pilot -
  Bruno Pio )

14-Average Penalties (20 seconds in the final test time / Equivalent to a drive-thru – 4 points on the wallet)

Paulo Gomes

14.16-Causing an accident with losses whether or not in dispute for position (Impaired Pilot -  Gabriel Marcos )

14-Average Penalties (20 seconds in the final test time / Equivalent to a drive-thru – 4 points on the wallet)
Double penalty for being on the first lap


Zezinho Mendes
14.16-Causing an accident with losses whether or not in dispute for position (Impaired Pilot -
  Esdras Souza )

14-Average Penalties (20 seconds in the final test time / Equivalent to a drive-thru – 4 points on the wallet)

Denis Spricigo
14.16-Causing an accident with losses whether or not in dispute for position (Impaired Pilot -
  Bruno Pio )

14-Average Penalties (20 seconds in the final test time / Equivalent to a drive-thru – 4 points on the wallet)

Renato Roveda
14.16-Causing an accident with losses whether or not in dispute for position (Impaired Pilot -
  Gabriel Marcos (2X) )

14-Average Penalties (40 seconds in the final test time / Equivalent to a drive-thru – 8 points on the wallet)

Stage  4 - Goiania   19/09/2021 ............................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ..

Gabriel Marcos
14.16-Causing an accident with losses whether or not in dispute for position (Impaired Pilot -
  Paulo Gomes )

14-Average Penalties (20 seconds in the final test time / Equivalent to a drive-thru – 4 points on the wallet)

double penalty  for having occurred in the first lap 40 sec 8 points on the wallet)

Eduardo Silva
14.16-Causing an accident with losses whether or not in dispute for position (Impaired Pilot -
  Rafael Simioni )

14-Average Penalties (20 seconds in the final test time / Equivalent to a drive-thru – 4 points on the wallet)

Ezra Souza
14.16-Causing an accident with losses whether or not in dispute for position (Impaired Pilot -
  Mendes )

14-Average Penalties (20 seconds in the final test time / Equivalent to a drive-thru – 4 points on the wallet)

Renato Roveda - fixed positioning by track bug

Stage  3 - Rattlesnake 05/09/2021 ............................................ ........................................................... ........................................................... .....


Paulo Gomes
14.10 Overtaking using touch device to carry out maneuver. (Impaired pilot –
  Elcemir Galvão )

14-Average Penalties (40 seconds in the final test time / Equivalent to a drive-thru – 8 points on the wallet)

Denis spricigo - First stage DQ for performing the qualy without having participated in the briefing
Zezinho Mendes - First stage DQ for performing the qualy without having participated in the briefing

Claudio DubocFirst step DQ for performing the qualy without having participated in the briefing

Pilot Elcemir Galvão must comply with the penalty of the stage last in Goiânia


Stage  2 - Curitiba 08/22/2021 ............................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... .....


Elcemir Galvão
14.16-Causing an accident with losses whether or not in dispute for position

14-Average Penalties (80 seconds in the final test time / Equivalent to a drive-thru – 16 points on the wallet)
17.3 - 16 points achieved the pilot will start from the pits in the next stage

Rafael Simone
14.16-Causing an accident with losses whether or not in dispute for position (Injured driver – Rafael Silva )

14-Average Penalties (20 seconds in the final test time / Equivalent to a drive-thru – 4 points on the wallet)

Stage  1 - Interlagos 08/08/2021 ............................................ ........................................................... ........................................................... .....


Raphael Martins
14.16-Causing an accident with losses whether or not in dispute for position (Impaired Pilot -
  Rafael Simioni )

14-Average Penalties (20 seconds in the final test time / Equivalent to a drive-thru – 4 points on the wallet)

Jayson Silveira
14.16-Causing an accident with losses whether or not in dispute for position ( Injured Pilot - Elcemir Galvão )

14-Average Penalties (20 seconds in the final test time / Equivalent to a drive-thru – 4 points on the wallet)
double penalty
  for having occurred in the first lap 40 sec 8 points on the wallet)


Elcemir Galvão x Denis Spricigo = no penalty

adesivo resinado.png


© 2018  - Evolution Racing League

whatsapp: +55 11 9.8854-0426


Address: Rua Jorge Copelli, 45 - Forestry Jd - Jundiaí /SP - CEP 13215-630

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I'm going after,

but I want to be the first....

We are one  Club of track enthusiasts, all with that huge desire to drive and who found in virtual motorsport the way to satisfy their desires as a driver and also to have fun, with the models of cars and tracks that simulators in general make available to us.  Everything we want is still starting, but we are going to offer you conditions for you to compete and have fun in the four corners of the earth, sitting there comfortably in your home.

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